Thank you for submitting your application! Please check your email for confirmation.
Please tell us a little about your experience as we appreciate your time and feedback.
Very Easy
Very Difficult
What did you think of the application process?
Very Satisfying
Very Unsatisfying
Overall, how satisfying was your experience with the application process?
Generally Satisfactory
Generally unsatisfactory
I didn't ask Sentara staff for assistance
What is your opinion of the assistance provided by Sentara in completing this application?
What information on the application, webinar, or other resources were most helpful?
(2,000 character limit)
Please provide us with your recommendations about any improvements to the application process that you think we need to consider.
(2,000 character limit)
Yes, all
Yes, some
Not really
I didn't really read them
Were the instructions and tips provided in the application helpful?
Did you attend the video tutorial webinar and was it helpful?
Yes, all
Yes, some
Not really
I didn't really watch them
Any additional comments?
(2,000 character limit)
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